Tuesday, October 23, 2012

American Dream

I feel like the American Dream today is the idea of being in a typical 4-person family, living in a house with a pool and 3 cars, and the father coming home from work to a home-cooked meal with his family. The problem with this is that this is unrealistic. There is no life like that. Maybe someone has a day like that occasionally, but even that has got to be lucky. I guarantee there is no perfect family with perfect jobs. There are no perfect kids who obey your every rule. There are is no easy way into a home like that. That has got to be something from a Disney movie.
Some people spend their whole life on a quest for a life like that. I personally do not understand that. I think of America and I think of baseball, pie, and dads. Not just any dads, but white, "successful," republican, office working dads. It seems like that is what America is based off of today. If that is the American Dream, then where do I come in? Some guy's stay-at-home wife? Cooking and cleaning all day while I take care of our two "perfect" children? Wearing an apron and curling my hair like some housewife in the 1950's? I do not think so. That is definitely not the life that I want to live. I doubt many women of today want to live that way, because it does not exactly sound like fun.
Men probably don't really want that anymore either. How could they? Knowing they were living the typical life would make then want to go insane, if only to make things more interesting. How can people have goals like that? I just don't understand.
So really, the American Dream kind of sucks, in my personal opinion. I feel like they are all trying to be something that plainly sucks. That is the end of it.

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