Friday, December 7, 2012

Journal 22

Snow is probably on of the most beautiful aspects of winter. It sometimes seems like there is nothing prettier than looking out the window in your warm house and seeing all the white perfection falling from the sky. I cannot thing of anything more comfortable than seeing that vision, curling up with a blanket, making hot chocolate, and reading a really good book. A lot of times, it makes me fall asleep. I wish I could explain how comforting it is to me. I absolutely adore knowing that there is a freezing cold world outside the walls of my house and being completely safe as I watch it become worse.
The best thing about the snow is that you know that it could get worse throughout the day. I could watch it fall all day, piling higher and higher. If the sky becomes dark, you know that it is going to become bad. You open the door for two seconds, and it tries to flood into your house! It has a mind of its own, it seems.
I do not, however, enjoy going out into the snow. It is far too cold for me. I get cold extremely easily, so going out into the world is disappointing. I just like to watch it fall, I do not like feeling it on my skin. I always fear that I will freeze all the way to my bones and curl up and die. That thought always passes through my mind as I walk out into the "winter wonderland." I dislike that thought. I never want to freeze to death. I do not think anyone wants that. Maybe I should focus on trying to stay warm rather than looking somewhat presentable. I always think about if I look okay before adding more layers, then I don't. I should bundle up better, that would make sense. I wish I was more logical sometimes. This year, if I go out into the snow, I will not worry about my appearance and worry more about my warmth.

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