Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well, I can honestly say that Autumn is my favorite season. It is for a number of reasons, one being the smell. I cannot explain why, but I love how it smells. The smell of dry leaves, smokey nights, incense,  laundry detergent on an old sweatshirt. I don't know why, I just love the smell of everything. Currently, I am not even experiencing smell though, mostly because I'm sick. My nose's current condition is almost painful. Oh well, at least I can still see all of the beautiful colors. The dark browns and purples, and just about every color in between. Everyone talks about the colors, but I really mean it. Oh well. 
I almost always want to shave my head in the fall, mostly so I can see what it would feel like to feel wind on the back of my naked scalp. I don't know why, I guess I'm just curious. 
On the typical side, my birthday is in fall, and so is Halloween. Those are two of my favorite days. I just wish they weren't over so quickly. I hate that things like that only last twenty four hours, and half of that is spent usually spent sleeping. I love sleeping as much as the next person, but it totally  is not worth missing so much time on awesome days. That is why I don't sleep all that much. I just hate missing things. Why sleep, when I could be awake doing something somewhat productive, or even just thinking? Thinking takes up a ton of my time, especially in the Fall. I am usually more at peace. I love it. I just want to float around and think in my mine. I want to keep to myself, and maybe spend some time learning about myself. That sounds so stupid to write on an English blog. I don't even care. Whatever works for me!

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