Monday, September 24, 2012


You should bring in the mints so we will not be as chatty during class. If we all are consuming mints, we will not be able to talk as much, due to the fact that our mouths will be busy through lectures and discussions. We will also have more thought to what we say, because we will not be blurting  out whatever we think first. Discussions will be more productive, because you will be happy with our attentiveness, and we will be happy with our delicious mints! Nothing could go wrong here.
Another reason to bring in mints is so we will not complain about hunger as much. When people are hungry, but they cannot eat, they tend to become angry and upset, especially towards the end of the day. A good alternative to this complaining is to give us mints! Our mouths will be occupied, and therefore distracted from our raging hunger. Our mouths will be happy, so they will not acknowledge cravings. This is why people tend to chew gum when they are dieting, so they will eliminate cravings and follow their diet with more consistency.
More importantly, everyone loves mints. We all want mints, do we not? You obviously want mints, or else you would not have brought up the subject. You see, sir, we are all having a mint craving right now at the very mention of Brach's Star Brites. Although we are not going to get much nutrition from a mint, we will find pleasure and happiness within them. Everyone wants a mint. If you do not want a mint, you must be a special case, because mints are commonly accepted as delicious little sugar treats to freshen breath and relieve cravings that everyone wishes we could shake. Who likes feeling icky because you cannot have what you crave? No one, that is who! So, to end my argument, I think that you should bring the class some stinkin' mints, man.

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