Friday, September 28, 2012


I really could not decide what my virtues to live by are, so I will not describe the virtues that my mother lives by.
My mom believes that you could do anything wrong, but you could never lie about it. No matter how bad something is, you  should always tell the truth. In the end, that will make you feel less guilty about whatever you did. Honesty is something that you should never leave out of your character.
She also believes that one should have a very strong spirituality, no matter what that is associated with. Whether it is religious or philosophical, that sense of self-knowing should always exist in order to keep yourself from losing sight of who you are.
I cannot look into my mother's thoughts, but I would believe that she wants everyone to live up to their full potential. She thinks that you should never give up or give in, and live life in the most fulfilling way possible. I agree with that, and she does not make her expectations frightening, and she is very accepting and supportive of anything that I do. I love her.
I love that I feel like I could come home one day with nothing left and she would still take me into her care and make sure I was alright. The rest would come later, after I was settled. It is good to know that caring is a virtue for her. I will always have somewhere to go, even when I feel like I do not. Sure, she might be angry or disappointed at first, but there is nothing I could do to where she would not accept me in time. She tells me that all the time, randomly. She knows me. She lets me cry to her and never complains. I appreciate that about her, and she knows that I would do the same for her.

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