Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Journal 18

As I pondered the multitude of eyes beaming at me from the magnificent creature, I felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of my neck. I could feel the temperature of my body rising as I gripped my sword tighter. The ship seemed like she was ready to fall completely to her side as each wave hit. I cannot fully remember what I was hearing, just swear words and the voices of my men urging me forward. This was the first time I had ever faced such a monstrous thing. 
The cave had seemed so much smaller when we spotted it beneath a cliff nearly a mile away. We had traveled into uncharted territories in search of what we thought would become the fortune of a lifetime. I remember watching my beauty, Adriana, as we sailed away from the dock in the middle of the night. Her skin was glowing as tears fell from her eyes. Her dress was torn all the way up to her thigh. I had promised to buy her a new one as soon as I was back to her. I promised her the life of a queen when I returned. As what seemed like a thousand eyes stared angrily back at me, I realized that I only had one option in order to give Adriana what she deserved. 
I brushed my hair from my eyes and took a step forward. My men became silent, and a reptilian growl passed through my ears as the beast moved its head closer to me, observing our possible power and strength. A moment of stillness passed, but it felt like an hour. The next thing I knew, a blood-curdling shriek came from the monster as he threw his head back and his vocal cords vibrated. The sound threw me into instant confusion, and I stared blankly as the monster cracked his neck to one side, and then to the other. I drew my sword, and let out battle cry that had been used in many other battles by my father when he was Captain...

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