Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Journal 20

Life is extremely unpredictable. Each person has their own way of living, no one is the same. However, we all follow the same basic patterns. We are all born, we all live, we all experience things, then we die.
We all began in a woman, each woman was different, apart from brothers and sisters. All of the mothers in the world are different. The way we would like to believe it happens is a nine-month, perfect, healthy pregnancy and birth. While this is not the actual way things tend to go, for the sake of the journal, we can go with that approach. You start as nothing. You grow into tissue, develop organs and muscles and bones. Eventually you are good enough to come out into the world and sustain yourself for short periods of time.
As you grow up, you continue to develop. Once again assuming that you have the perfect family, you are dressed each day, fed, loved and cared for. You are taken on walks, you meet other children, you do some weird things and learn. It takes a while to learn, but you do. Everything you do is learning, even past this stage. You learn to speak somehow, usually based on example from family. You are taught to walk and dress yourself. You are taught to mind and behave, or at least the basics of these concepts.
Eventually you are put into school. You start by learning colors and shapes, learning social skills and basic English. As you move along, things advance. You start to understand structure and relationships. You begin to think abstractly, predicting the future and noticing patterns. These senses develop more and more until you no longer need constant attention. At home, you are able to ask for specific things and have conversations with your family in the kitchen. These stimulate the brain to think for itself. 
A world full of wonder is before you from there on.

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