Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Journal 25

Giving things to people is really nice. You just can't help but feel good about yourself when you have the opportunity to make someone else feel better. When you give someone something thoughtful you know they are going to appreciate it. Or at least you hope they will appreciate it. Some people do not appreciate gifts or surprises, which could be understandable, I suppose. I cannot imagine receiving something someone got for you, thinking of you, and rejecting it. Some people actually do that, though. Some people get a gift and then immediately frown. They disapprove, and you feel really bad about yourself because of their terrible attitude. When I get something from someone, I become so excited and happy instantly, even before I find out what it is. The fact that someone thought of me and took their time to do something nice for me makes me so happy that I just cannot contain my smile. I have been in situations where I have spent tons of time and money on a person and she still complained and criticized myself and my gifts. I hate that quality in a person. If someone goes out of their way to make you happy, you should be grateful and be glad that they cared enough to do that for me. I love everything that everyone gives me, even if it is the smallest thing. I never care, I am just happy that someone actually cared enough to do it. I love that idea. I think I'm going to get all of my friends gifts soon. I made cookies for everyone at a show the other day just to show how much I loved everyone there. I always want have people around who know how much I care. I love people so much and I just want them to know sometimes. It is important to me. Even giving your attention can mean so much. It makes people so happy to know they are accepted and wanted.

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