Monday, April 8, 2013

Journal 39

My spring break was really awesome. I crave Summer so much now it's crazy. Like, I get insanely sad in the winter, and really happy during the summer. I can tell that this summer is going to be one of the best yet, apart from my sister leaving me. I am getting really good vibes right now. The more I think about it though, the more I get sad. I just need to not focus on my emotions, which is basically what I worked on doing over break. I just lived without over-analyzing myself. It made a huge difference. I spent a lot of time in nature and meditating on things, and I am in a better state of mind. Only about 35 more school days and then that feeling somewhat permanently. I feel like I really need that. I cannot believe that I am going to nearly out of highschool in a year. How amazing is that? Pretty stinkin' amazing, that's how! Ah, I cannot wait for this to be over for me. Our spring break was just a little taste of what it will be like and it was so wonderful. I need to move somewhere warm so I feel better about my life, that would change so much. I know it sounds silly, but I really mean it. Winter makes me so upset and just apathetic about anything and everything, but in Summer, energy flows and moves me to do what I need to do. It is one of the best feelings in the world. I am so glad it is not going to get cold again for a while. I feel so relieved and ecstatic. I just need to get through these last few weeks of school, hopefully they will fly by. I would very much appreciate that. I already feel better about even coming to school just because it is warm and I don't feel pain every time I walk outside. I cannot wait for summertime.

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